Leap In

If your birthday is on the 29th of February, what will you do? Will you mope around at the fact that your birthday comes once every four years like the Olympics, or will you covet both the 28th of February and the 1st of March and claim to have at least two birthdays in a year? Will you treat the interval between each 29th of February as an opportunity to plan for the next 29th of February birthday bash, or will you be the person who says something cheeky when asked about their age? Will you be glad that you don't have to worry every year about whether or not you want to have a birthday party, or will you be afraid that you won't receive birthday presents every year? The different possible reactions are numerous. We are responding to the same stimulus- the 29th of February birthday-  but we will react in very different ways.

Possessed by the Nigerian Spirit

I have been in a bit of a mood for the past few weeks and I haven't trusted myself to write something down. Perhaps this is because I have been afraid that every word I type on my keyboard will bring the feeling I have been nursing to life. I sat with my thoughts for a little while, and in the midst of the several issues that floated in my mind, I realized that I  have been worried about Nigeria, the fate of Nigerians and yes, my fate.

You see, a lot has been going on with the Nigerian economy. There is a great deal of uncertainty in the air particularly with regards the exchange rate. Churches have rightly increased the number of minutes (or hours, depending on which church you go to) spent praying for the nation. Employees resume at the place of their employment without guarantee that they will have a job by the end of the day. Power supply is still erratic and the tariff for the barely supplied electricity is now ridiculously high. In fact, even the weather has ganged up against Nigerians, as the heat over the past few days has been unapologetic.