Yes I’m talking to you, Mr/Mrs Judge of the universe. Your honour, oh ye Mr/Mrs
Self-appointed supreme court judge of the whole world. Yes, I’m talking to you, and
unfortunately, I am talking to me too, as I am one of the justices of the court.
I saw a quote online today and it goes like this “Jumping
into conclusions isn’t exactly a form of exercise”. I had such a good laugh, because, truly, if jumping into
conclusions, or jumping to pass judgment is a form of exercise, I bet a lot us
won’t need to spend any extra time at the gym to be fit, because we keep jumping
into conclusions about people every minute of everyday. That's constant exercise mehn!
So just before you jump into calling him (or her) an ass, (putting
only him in the title was sly, I know *evil grin*) why don’t you take a step
back for a quick minute and read this piece.
Why my obsession with the word “ass”? Clean your dirty mind buddy,
I don’t mean that ass. I mean ass as
in donkey (Oh, and you really don’t want to know what came up when I searched
for images of an ass, but you already know right? *another evil grin*). Where
was I? Oh yes, why my obsession with the ass?
I recently read (actually heard) a story in the Bible about a prophet called Balaam, whose ass spoke to him. In summary, some king asked prophet Balaam to curse the people of Israel. God had told Balaam not to curse the people, and Balaam
knew he didn't have the approval of God to curse the people, but maybe just to save face or
whatever, Balaam still decided to journey to where the Israelites were camped, in
line with the royal request.![]() |
Disambiguation- This is an ass, also known as a donkey. |
On the way, Balaam’s ass began to misbehave. Instead of the
ass to pass the main road, it diverted into the bush. Balaam was upset and spanked
the ass. Instead of the silly ass to follow Balaam’s instruction in order to
avoid another spanking, it went ahead and crushed Balaam’s leg against a wall.
The ass definitely got spanked again. As if that was not enough, the ass
decided that enough was enough, and just sat down and refused to move. By this time, even though Balaam was
an anointed prophet of God, he was livid and spanked the stupid ass again.
*Insert Mount Zion Film action sound track here*
At this point, even the heavens felt the pain of the ass,
and God miraculously opened the mouth of the ass, so Balaam could have a conversation with it. Unknown to Balaam, the ass had been acting
irrationally because it was trying to avoid an angel which was poised to kill Balaam if he passed the predetermined route. However, Balaam
obviously could not see the angel, so he was incapable of understanding the irrational behavior of the animal . Now this is what struck me in the human-ass conversation (Numbers 22 v 28-31)
28 Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to
Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?”
29 Balaam answered the donkey, “You have made a fool of me! If only I had a sword in my hand, I would
kill you right now.”
30 The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your own donkey, which you have always ridden, to this day?
Have I been in the habit of doing this to you?”
“No,” he said.
31 Then the Lord opened Balaam’s eyes, and he saw the angel
of the Lord standing in the road with his sword drawn. So he bowed low and fell
See how that relationship went from a hundred to zero real
quick? In fact, I dare say in this case, Balaam was the ass for getting so mad
that he threatened to kill an ass that had been faithful and loyal for many years, because of the
mistakes of a day, when in reality, the ass was just trying to save Balaam's ass (slam
dunk that pun! Rotfl). All the years of good service and sacrifice went down the drain, and Balaam believed the worst of his ass.
I agree that it is human for us to sometimes jump into conclusions,
especially when the evidence is compelling (I mean, the ass did crush Balaam’s
leg) but I think that especially for people who have been faithful or good to
us in the past, we should be less hasty to jump into conclusions. We need to
learn how to engage, learn how to call our friend back and say “Hey buddy, you sounded a
bit short when I called you earlier, are you doing okay?” We need to ask why a
person who always pays their debt on time has not paid the last two installments.
We need to learn how to say “This is very unlike you, what is going on?”
Simply put, we
need to learn how to give people the benefit of a doubt, and maybe if we do, we
may find out that our friend who sounded short on the phone just got into a
spat with her horrible boss, or the friend who has stopped paying her debt to you is
secretly battling an illness.
I promise you that when I write like this, it is truly from
the heart and it is because I have seen a problem in my life that I need to fix. I
used to tell a good friend of mine “Always believe the best of people” but I think I have fallen short of that standard lately. However, I am ready to try again. Are you?
Please share your experiences. When have you jumped into conclusions or prematurely judged someone and then found out that you were wrong? After how many
offences is it enough to label someone an ass?
Mount Zion Films- A popular Christian movie production company in Nigeria.
You can read the unabridged version of Balaam's story in Numbers 22.
What if I have a track record for jumping into the right conclusions about people? For instance, I had to take a public bus some days back and whilst waiting for the bus to load up, I noticed an obese woman walking towards the bus. I quickly jumped to the conclusion that she'd get on the bus first, elect to sit beside me second, and assail my small self with her rotund assets. Like a self fulfilling prophesy, she did all of these. Worse off, she kept on buying and eating so much stuff. I pretty much, was boiling inside. She spills some suya spice on me and immediately apologises. That act sha assuaged all my pent up feelings... Now that I'm done with my story, I realise all I wanted to achieve was to say Kudos! quite a lovely blog you've got