Let's Get High?

Worry not family, friends and well wishers, I don't do drugs and you shouldn't too, but this doesn't mean that I can't still get high on other addictions. Today, I'm talking about destination addiction.

Let me digress a little bit before I take you to rehab. You see, I like being online because of the sense of community that comes with the internet. The fact that I am simultaneously connected to someone in Seoul, who is trying to figure out whether the infamous 2015 dress is blue or gold is pretty cool to me (remember that *g** dress lol). My daily internet rummage sometimes produces gold, particularly when I find that someone has perfectly articulated a thought I have been struggling to articulate for a while. Sometimes, it is almost as if the universe understands my struggle and decides to use her invisible hand of mental connection to transpose the elusive thought to the mind of another of her wards. The universe then decides that she is not done, and she guides my iPhone scrolling fingers to the very online spot where the thought has been articulated and kept for me. This picture reflects one of those thoughts, and it deals with destination addiction. 
Aspire to a great future, but not at the expense of the present.

Take your Miss Bulgaria into 2016 with you.

Even if we already know what to do, we always look for that one friend who will push us to do it! Well done Miss Bulgaria
I'm not even going to try to be intellectual with this post, (yeah right lol) I'm just going to share my Miss Universe kick with you.

You must have read about Steve Harvey's mistake of announcing Miss Columbia as Miss Universe, instead of Miss Philippines. I can barely imagine the trauma Miss Columbia is having at the moment, and I only pray she rises above it soon and even shines as a result of it.

However, my dear friend, did you notice Miss Bulgaria? She came out straight to tell Miss Philippines to get her pretty self over there to take her crown! I saw the picture above with the caption and simply had to write about it. It is not normal for a beauty queen in her own right to do what Miss Bulgaria did, and I need to break this down to you. You see, beauty queens are supposed to be composed and untouchable in their glowing ethereal beauty, irrespective of the situation. You are not supposed to think about Agbani Darego, the first black Miss World and imagine her licking her fingers after demolishing a  well prepared plate of pounded yam and egusi soup. No way! Agbani can only be imagined sitting in a corner, wearing Dolce and Gabbana (don't dull). Yes, beauty queens portray an image of unattainable beauty (a story for another day) but that is the image they have been programmed to portray, and to have Miss Bulgaria break that stereotype in order to encourage another queen is really refreshing and inspiring.