Hello, my name is ... and we need to talk.

"Why are you fearful, O you of little faith"
Hello you. I know we just met this morning, but I also know that you have been expecting me for a while. You on the other hand, have been on my mind for way longer than a while. I know we are just starting this relationship, so I apologize for already hitting you with the classic "we need to talk" line. But I feel we need to have this discussion early because I heard some things about you from all your exes, and it is only fair we discuss them now so that we can begin our relationship on the right note.

You see my love, a relationship is a two way street, and we need to work together in order to succeed. I have been observing you all your life, and I know so many of your secrets. I have also formed close relationships with all your exes and they had many stories to tell about you. They told me that you are kind, thoughtful, hopeful and ambitious. With fascination I listened to tales of your hard work and dedication, how you would toil and sweat and use up the last bit of strength in you to achieve your goal. They told me that you are also a dreamer, and they described how you would lay on your bed and teleport yourself into a land of pink cotton candy clouds and rainbow coloured hot-air balloons- a magical place where all your dreams came true. Your exes also told me about the darker side of you. How you would sometimes take a sword, slash the cotton candy and destroy the engine of your hot air balloon. They told me about that very dark time when you allowed some green wasps to build a nest in your hair. Thankfully you became strong enough to rid yourself of their evil clutches. The exes of your teenage years told me this part.

Again, you can see that even though you just met me this morning, you must not be deceived into thinking that I don't know a lot about you. I know you and I have been preparing for you.

My love, the reason we need to talk is because of a very sad story one of your exes told me. I am in this relationship to love you, and meet your needs, but this particular story from your ex exposed my own fears and insecurities, which is why we need to discuss. This ex told me a very sad story of how you broke her heart. She told me about how she waited for you to give her more of you for a whole year. Indeed you were both in the relationship, but she felt you did not give enough of yourself or ask enough of her. You were there but you weren't there. Your heart was missing and you were too tired to try to find hers. She on the other hand was right there, with so much enthusiasm and promise, with the intention to make you ridiculously happy and to make you thrive, but you didn't try. She said you flatly refused to. She said you refused to give the relationship a shot because you had been hurt before. I personally know this ex of yours and she was a good person. Some of your exes came with bad news of loss, death and failure, but this one was good, yet you didn't try to find this out by yourself because you were afraid. You broke her heart, and I am afraid you might break mine too.

Babe, you need to know that even though we both know that this relationship can only last a year, I want us to make the best of it. I have been preparing for you all my life, and we have only a year to make magic. I want to leave you better than I met you. I want you to trust me and give me a chance. I want you to jump,without looking into the deep end, and I promise that I will catch you. I promise that if I don't catch you and you get hurt, the hurt will heal. I promise that if I leave you with unanswered questions, a relationship yet to come will provide a worthy explanation. i promise you all these and more if you would give me a chance.

Please don't give up on me before we try. This is only our first day and you need to know that we are on the same team. Indeed I know that I have my issues, and I am not saying that I won't come with my challenges, all I am saying is that you take a chance on me.

We have limited time my love. Please hold me close, caress every part of me you can reach, dare me to love you more, dare me to give you more, seek my heart and I will give it to you. We can truly be happy my love. Please let us be happy together. I have only until the 31st of December before I too become an ex.

With love,

You know I like my abstract writing. This year is a brand new slate. You can get only as much as you demand for. Let me talk about my ex for a bit. We just broke up yesterday and his name is 2015. I didn't ask a lot from him. I mean, I asked for some things, but not many spectacular things. To be fair, he wasn't terrible. He completed some basic things that my other ex 2014 had already started, but 2015 didn't carry me in throes of passion into lands beyond my imagination, but guess what, it is because I didn't ask. 2016 is my year to ask and I think you should ask too. Do not be afraid and don't let your faith be small.

Ask and it will come to you, but I have an extra tip that has worked for me and I need to share. It says in John 14:14 "If you ask anything in my name, I will do it."

20s love good people! Cheers to your best year yet. Please drop a comment, you know I love to hear from you.


  1. Sweetest way to pass a vital message..we shall explore and do exploit in 2016.amen

  2. Sweetest way to pass a vital message..we shall explore and do exploit in 2016.amen

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Haha. Nice. I was beginning to think this new person can do research oh. Ahan! Oh my soul harken to this message.

  5. I came back to your blog because I remember you have one lol. I totally enjoyed reading this. I never ask my ex's for anything. Maybe it is time to start asking uhmmmm.

    1. We unfaithful bloggers. lol. 2016 is still a fresh lover oh. Lets ask away. Thanks for stopping by.
